_ Participate in the Programme as an Expert or a Care Context

_ Residency for Design Educators and Researchers

Response_Able Futures looks to continue to evolve, innovate, learn and create best practices regarding design education and research and welcomes scholars and researchers from outside the consortium to apply for residencies in teaching and mentorship within the Response_Able Futures residency/exchange programme.

Next to this, lecturers and researchers from the programmes Associated Partner Schools will be invited to participate as guest lecturers, participate in workshop weeks and participate in student supervision. We welcome applications from educators and researchers who have significant expertise and experience or outstanding professional or creative experience in the health_care and design field.

A call for residencies will be launched in 2025.

_ Download our Promotion Pack

Design Educators, if you know of current of former students who would be perfect for the Response_Able Futures programme, please send them our way. We have provided one-page flyers, posters as well as a social media post you can share with alumni or soon-to-be-graduates. Thank you for your support and look forward to telling about new possibilities for collaboration soon. Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay in the loop.

Download the course promotion pack

_ Submit a Master’s Project

A company or organization may submit Master's project topics, allowing students to collaborate directly with the company or organization as part of their thesis. This sort of collaboration must always be discussed in advance with the supervisor who has the final decision on any cooperation. 

Response_Able Futures expects that Masters-level research is done in collaboration with the company/organisation, who acts as a student’s partner and commits to collaborate and share/exchange research or other business or design methodologies, technology, know-how, materials, company data and information.

Calls for Master Projects will take place in 2026.

_ Associated Partners

To support and engage academic and industry involvement, Response_Able Futures engages external parties in the programme. Schools, individual educators and researchers are invited to become involved as Associated Partners. This means they are motivated to participate in the programme through longer-term engagement, the research or education residencey programme or contribute to Master Classes. Next to this, Associated partner schools actively engage motivated students to apply to the programme, are already integrating health_care topics into their existing curricula, particpiate in the Design Award and engage on design research projects. 

For companies and organisations who are Associated Partners, this partnership is based on shared resources and mentorship, offering up spaces for internships or secondments, providing health and care contexts for courses to work and Master’s Thesis project supervision and proposals as well as serving on boards.

If you are a design educator or work within an organisation or company that is committed to a more equitable and inclusive health_care future, please consider becoming an Associated Partner.

Here are some of our Associated Partners.

_ Response_Able Futures Master Class Interview Series

Caring is sharing. The team at Response_Able Futures feels blessed to be able to work together with some of the world’s top experts. As part of our vision on inclusion and participation, we want to share what we are learning in terms of methodologies and best practices. The programme is currently developing a platform for sharing resources; whether that be live streams, recorded lectures or invitations to participate. Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.

_ Response_Able Futures Design Award

In line with our belief that health and care topics can and should be integrated into design education, the programme is launching an annual international student and educator design award. This award aims to inspire and challenge design educators to incorporate health and care themes into their undergraduate curricula, while also showcasing the outstanding work of both undergraduate and graduate students. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on submission calls and award news.