_ Calling all recent and soon-to-be design graduates with a passion for people.
Response_Able Futures is a two-year, joint MFA (Master of Fine Arts) programme in Design and Health_Care; created to tackle growing global challenges: socioeconomic shifts, digital transformation, ageing populations, and a rising need for inclusive health services. It's the first EMJM (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters) programme of its kind focused on design and healthcare and engages three central themes: designing with care communities, for care communication, and understanding care systems, aiming to use design as a tool for social change.
_ Study in three countries over two years, with master classes from some of the world’s leaders in design and care-based, social innovation.
Whether graduates end up employees in care organisations, working for NGOs in the Global South or leading equity-driven startups within the creative tech-industries, PhD candidates or policy advisors in their home countries, Response_Able Futures merges a student's personal ambition with that of a sense of responsible citizenry. The result will be graduates who will pioneer the agenda of inclusive and accessible design in Europe and around the globe.
_ In the spotlight
_ Where International is the norm, not the exception
Erasmus Mundus Students come from all over the world, thus you’re in good company. This international lens means that each cohort of students is different than the one before; bringing new insights and new perspectives.
_ A curriculum that equips the learner to care for their community
The ResponseAble Futures programme is set apart by exploring what it means to be future-forward designer while also investigating what it means to be a responsible citizen.
_ Welcoming international design educators as resident teachers
We want to share what we know and how we do it, but also want to learn from the best. Soon you'll be able to submit your application to become a resident design educator or researcher.
_ The Power of Partnerships
We believe that impactful change happens through collaboration. That’s why partnerships with industry leaders, academic institutions, and NGOs are core to the Response_Able Futures mission. Our students benefit from cutting-edge resources and real-world projects with organisations committed to innovation in healthcare and sustainability.